So what exactly should you


Shoving anything into your ear can be extremely dangerous. For one, you’re forcing the wax further into your ear, leading, rather counterproductively, to impacted earwax — literally a blockage of the eardrum. There’s also the fact that digging around in your ear can damage your eardrum, injure the inside of your ear canal, or even cause an ear infection, according to guidelines published in the publication Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery.

You may have also heard of ear candling as an alternative. All I’ll say here is don’t. It’s a snake oil remedy peddled by people with no knowledge of medicine or ear health, likelier to cause severe damage or burns more than anything else.

So what exactly should you do in order to safely clean your ears?

In most cases, nothing. Earwax is a perfectly normal part of the ears, intended to protect them from foreign agents in a similar manner to the mucus in your nose. Perhaps most importantly, the ears are pretty good at cleaning themselves — unless you’re actively experiencing a blockage, it’s usually better to leave them alone.

That said, if you do end up needing to clear out some excess earwax, here’s how to do it safely:


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